Case Study on Applications of Heat Pump in India
Shreyas A. Gurav1, Nirmohi V.
Sasmile2, Sachin S. Dharia3
1UG Student, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Dhananjay Mahadik Group of Institutions, Vikaswadi- Kolhapur,
2UG Student, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Dhananjay Mahadik Group of Institutions, Vikaswadi- Kolhapur,
3UG Student, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Dhananjay Mahadik Group of Institutions, Vikaswadi- Kolhapur,
Published at:
2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2015),
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering,
Vol. No. 4, Special Issue (01), September 2015, ISSN 2319-8354.
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering,
Vol. No. 4, Special Issue (01), September 2015, ISSN 2319-8354.
This paper consists of a case study on applications of heat pumps in India. There is huge market for Heat pump in India. Case study shows results and advantages of its application.
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